Monday, 26 August 2013

Trans Siberian Rail Trip - 1971

In 1971 John traveled the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Khabarovsk, as an Australian resident of South Africa. He provides an interesting account that focuses initially on the travel experience, then on the Railway infrastructure and locomotion. Interesting social and political observations of the time are included along the way.

John's account of his Trans-Siberian Railway Trip in 1971 (click here to open)

Trans Siberian Rail Route - John traveled from Moscow to Khabarovsk

Russian P36 Steam Locomotive, as described in John's account
Thank you to Paul, for providing a copy of John's account so it could be uploaded.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Inspecting M.V Border in Durban

Helen provided this photo of John with the 2nd engineer of M.V. Border W.S.S., during its visit to Durban South Africa, in May 1969.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

John's time in Johannesburg

John spent eight years in Johannesburg as a meat inspector (1967-75), at what was reportedly the largest abattoir in the world (based on throughput). In 1979/80 as a meat inspector in Blayney NSW, John wrote accounts of his South African experience comparing aspects of the meat inspection practice with those in Australia . Here is a link to John's written accounts (who can figure out what "pecuniary strangulation" is?).

John's account of his time as a meat inspector in Johannesburg (click here to open)

Here is photo of John (in hat) having a break with fellow staff in Johannesburg. Helen recalls the fellow in white on the far left, a veterinarian (nicknamed 'the Doc'), visited the Watsons in Telopia (Sydney) with John during a visit from from SA. Apparently the Doc liked whiskey. He went on to tour Australia while John spent time with his parents ("Nona and Jack").

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Introduction, and the Queen Mary

With so many stories about John's interesting life floating about, I thought it would be worth coming up with a way to record and share them. So its 'off the slips' with my first "blog" attempt. Please feel free to contribute your recollections, or provide comments on others'. Photos too, will be much appreciated -according to younger "techperts", with a bit of tinkering we can get a slide show happening.

This photo is of the Queen Mary, which I understand John was proud to say he travelled on. If you know more about this, you might like to add your comment now.